Saturday, January 31, 2009

We, dog and I are still digging the spring out. I have decided it is really not a spring by definition but a small underground stream, the water is clear and we are using it for our water source. Dog already knows not to drink directly from the stream, I have a bowl to the side for him. This is a pretty good cave itself, but with the water it is too damp to live in for long. The home cave is started but that is all.
I spend a couple hours a day training him. He is a mixed breed and learns very quickly. While with the Company, I worked with a dog handler and learned some of the techniques. Dog also is a problem. I have decided on a name, I am not sure my friend Father O’Shields will approve. I know that this dog can scare the devil out of a person, so I have decided to call him Satan. I need a name to train with, and Satan is working well. He has gained weight since his trauma, and is healing well. WE are bonding, as they say, very well.


  1. Hi, Rags. In the west I have seen houses cut out of the solid rock walls, some very near the highways. They don't have the water (humidity) problem that you have in your cave. The caves there protect more from the heat than from the cold. Do you intend to be a cave dweller for the rest of your life, or is this just an extended adventure? Gordon

  2. Keep Writing, I'll keep reading!!

